Tuesday, March 22, 2011

remember this?

well oh yeah it's about to go down again with those gators. just in case you've been living in your closet and haven't heard.

this time, it's sweet sixteen time! and here's to it ending with the same result as last year...minus double overtime. please and thank you!

what I wouldn't give to be in New Orleans right now.

this season has been incredible and I'm incredibly lucky to have witnessed every game in one way or another.

I called this Jimmermania from a mile away, he's been my favorite since the beginning of his freshman season. I've got some journal entries to prove it, which I'll have to post some time. I promise you'll get a good laugh.

But here's this quote from the end of this freshman season from yours truly on the good old blog:

"He will do great things with his three remaining years..."

K so maybe it's the understatement of the century, but I can still say I told you so. So...

i told you so.

and although any school Tim Tebow graced with his presence is a friend of mine...Florida...

it's jimmertime.

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