Tuesday, August 31, 2010

steel cut vs. rolled

Ahh so much I've been thinking in my head to blog about lately but have never taken the time to write them...

I decided I wanted to try steel cut oats a couple of weeks ago since I've heard a lot about how great they were compared to the normal rolled-oats. I'll eat pretty much anything, but instant oatmeal is definitely not one of them. The smell alone makes me want to lose it. BUT I heard steel cut oats have a different texture and are even healthier than rolled oats. I'm loving health foods lately, so I decided to give them a try.

There I was, slaving away over a hot stove for the whole 40 minutes (40 minutes!) it took to cook them. Unfortunately, by the time they were done, they looked strangely familiar.

Yes, if it looks like oatmeal, and it smells like oatmeal, chances are it's still that same old nastiness I've hated my whole life.

I was disappointed, but I would like to try again. And this time, I'm only cooking it for half the time. I really think this will help since the mushy texture is probably the biggest part of my hate for it.

And this is coming from the girl who periodically will try cream of wheat just hoping maybe her tastes have changed and she'll like it now...

Me and hot cereal were just not meant to co-exist.

1 comment:

Teri Bench said...

I remember the old days before microwaves and cream of wheat was a real treat since it took about 30 minutes to cook! Oatmeal put in the crockpot overnight...
The steel cut oats did look just like oatmeal when you cooked them. Oh well. Maybe when you are starving someday??