Monday, August 3, 2009

Scare Me

Why do some people exist to make you feel uncomfortable? Seriously, I was thinking about it, and there are so many teachers, bosses, etc. that seem to look for ways to make people feel stupid and such. That's one of the main things that scares me about my chosen major(hopefully!)...Communications with a Broadcast Journalism emphasis. I'm excited, but at the same time, I know that industry it a tough one that's full of rejection and people not liking your ideas.

Which brings me back to my first point: why can't people just be nice about telling you how to do things? I haven't exactly experienced it, but I can tell I definitely will more than once. There are so many different styles of writing, and what works for one person sounds ridiculous to others. That's what I hate about writing. It's always open to interpretation.

Again, I really hope I won't have to work. And yes, I know. Not so likely.

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