Wednesday, May 28, 2008

in this moment

Today was the last official day of school, and I only had one class--ceramics. After that I went to my photo class to clean so she would raise my grade! That sounds kind of lame, but at least I took the initiative to do what it took to get and A. My mom would be so proud. My grades are much better this term than they were last term, and I'm pretty happy about all of them. What really bugs me, though, is that my grade in English was an A for the whole entire term until yesterday. I got a 20/29 on the final, and that's not super horrible. I didn't think it was bad enough to drop my grade 3%! But oh well, it's finally just over. One more year of high school! I'm also really excited to go to graduation this Friday at the Marriott Center! Whoo!

Last Friday me and some of my friends went to the Brick Oven to celebrate my friend Hailey's birthday. It was really fun, and I haven't been there in forever! After that we watched Step Up, and it was the first time I've seen it. I only got about half way though, because -suprise!- I have the earliest curfew out of everyone.;) I am so abused.

Tomorrow is yearbook day! I LOVE yearbooks, but it does get annoying to write for a couple of hours straight. I'm so excited though! :)

1 comment:

Janet Thwaits said...

Working is never lame. Congratulations SENIOR Love, GPR