Sunday, December 13, 2009

How Far is Phoenix Again?

So I have a few random thoughts I've been meaning to say for a while, but somehow I never find time to blog. I do, however, find more time than I need for Facebook, TV, and everything else I shouldn't be doing. :)

1. Max Hall's comments. You all know what I'm talking about:

"I don't like Utah. In fact, I hate them. I hate everything about them. I hate their program, I hate their fans, I hate everything.
I think the whole university, their fans, and their organization is classless. They threw beer on my family and stuff last year, and they did a whole bunch of nasty things, and I don't respect them, and they deserve to lose."

Is this really some big news flash?? It's called a rivalry for a reason, people. We hate them, they hate us. That's just the way it is. If you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. When I heard the interview, I was sooo happy that finally someone was saying this. Usually they are too sensitive to the media, saying exactly what everyone wants to hear. Thank you Max!! You're my hero.

Also, the Utes claim they "don't care" what he thinks, yet they proceed to make shirts, groups on Facebook, and anything else they can do to get the sympathy they want. It makes me sick. There was even a picture of President Monson with the caption: "Max Hall hates me." It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. Yes, he went to the U of U. But do you REALLY believe that it's the same place today as it was way back when the general authorities went there? Give me a break.

2. I will NEVER understand why most people like the snow. I'm sorry, but I don't enjoy constantly running the risk of falling on my face while being soaking wet and freezing. It's miserable. Maybe I'm weird, but I hate being miserable. I've lived in Utah all my life, and have been sledding maybe one time. Hated every minute of it. I hate playing in it, having snowball fights, and everything else associated with snow. I've never been skiing or snowboarding, and have never really even had the desire. I would much rather do something else with my time while being warm and toasty:) As the snow falls, I'm reminded why I hate it. It's pretty to look at I guess, just as long as I don't have to be in it. The problem is, I do. I RARELY ever get hot, I just love the feeling so so much. Phoenix, you're looking so good right now.

3. Hand sanitizer is not a proper substitute for actually washing your hands when washing you hands is an option. Yes, it's great when it's all you've got, but really? I've seen too many girls walk out of the bathroom stall and grab a little squirt of sanitizer on their way out the door. That is not ok for me. There's a sink and there's the soap...USE THEM!! I love how every bathroom at BYU has hand sanitizer, and I use both whenever I'm in there. Both. Not just hand sanitizer. Also, would it kill you to flush the toilet? This is college, people.

4. People at BYU take things WAY too seriously. I now know why people hate freshmen. I hate them too. (Cause, technically I'm a sophomore;)) Seriously, though. Not everything is all about you.

I'm realizing this whole post probably sounds rude, but I'm just being honest:)


Teri Bench said...

Amen! Love your comments! Good luck on finals! Technically be a junior!

Teri Bench said...

Absolutely right - on everything! What some people may think is rude, (your blog, Max's comments, etc) some of us find refreshing.