Jimmer won crowd pleaser over Austin Collie, and I was so happy! His speech was so cute too, because you could tell he didn't think he would win. Charles was nominated for Rookie of the Year, but Matt Reynolds won, a starter on the O-line. It is well deserved though. Jonathan Tavernari won service award, as did Dave Nixon. JT's speech and outfit were very fitting of him. I wanted him to win so he would have to give a speech, and he was considerate enough to take off his white fedora during it so Coach Rose wouldn't be mad. It was pretty hilarious.
Lee Cummard won the Male Athlete of the Year to end his amazing basketball career at BYU, and it was very fitting. Thanks for all of the hard work and dedication you've put in at BYU. We'll miss you Lee!! BYU football will also miss linebacker David Nixon, he's been great. He also is one of the nicest guys I've ever met!